I knew I was in for a bit of bumpy ride with this girl way before she was sending me these risky pictures. She had an attitude on her and it was one that I knew my cock needed. It had been quite a while since I had a girl that was willing to boss me around and I was going to make the most of it.
Chubby Dating is all about making the most out of every opportunity no matter how little it seems. You have a consistent way of getting your cock all the pussy that it was begging for and you know where the girls are that want to take you deep and hard.
The only real question that remains is are you going to be able to keep them satisfied? Don’t fall for the trap and think it is easy, not when these girls can go all night long and still be ready for more. They have an appetite for just about anything and once you’ve learned that you might just stand a chance with them. A real man knows when to chuck in the towel but a better man knows what to make his moment count!
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